Home of The Green & Gold
Plain Local Schools Foundation & Alumni Association was established in 1989 to build and maintain a stewardship of community trust and to provide funding for superior, innovative, educational programs which exceed the financial resources of the Plain Local School District. Donated funds support Star Grants for teachers, scholarships for graduating seniors, the Eagle Pride program, and other district initiatives and projects. Over the years, alumni and foundation supporters have contributed more than $1 million to the foundation endowment and scholarship funds to support these programs.
For more information, contact the Plain Local Schools Foundation & Alumni Association.
Upcoming Events
Donor Tree at GlenOak High School

The Great Tree of Learning
The first goal of the Plain Local Schools Foundation is to substantially grow our endowment fund to make sure we are poised to be a strong partner to the Plain Local School District for generations to come.
Regardless of how education changes, how the community changes, and how state mandates come and go, the foundation will continually support public education through scholarships, grants, and support of district initiatives.
Donors who give $1,000 or more will receive a leaf on the Great Tree of Learning at GlenOak High School.
"Thank-A-Teacher" Recipient

Thank the Staff That Support Your Children Every Day
Thank the Staff That Support Your Children Every Day
The “Thank-A-Teacher” program is a great way to recognize that Plain Local staff member that has made a difference in the life of your student while supporting the mission of the Plain Local Schools Foundation.
All contributions to the “Thank-A-Teacher” program benefit the Teacher Star Grant Fund which provides roughly $15,000 a year in grants for programming that stimulates young minds through collaboration and ingenuity. The funds help make the classrooms in Plain Local Schools some of the best in the country.
Supporting Public Education Through Community Donors
The Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association supports all 6,000 students of Plain Local through a variety of endowed funds and scholarship funds.
Be a part of the legacy! Donate today!
What Can You Do as Alumni?

Stay up-to-date on everything happening in Plain Local by filling out our alumni registration form.

Join us in supporting the mission of the foundation by donating today! Your donation will help grow our endowment fund ensuring we are a sustainable partner to the Plain Local School District for generations to come. Find out how you can help by contacting the Foundation office at [email protected] or 330-491-3870.

Support Plain Local students and your community by attending one (or all) of our fundraising events. Check out what’s coming up next below!